Accidently flashed the headlights today and the right one, stayed half up. With power connected, there was no way I could manually wind it down. Had to leave Yoko in the lockup and will check this out later :-(
Went to pick up Yoko from the lockup today and the battery was completely dead. The headlight stuck partially up seems to have killed the battery. I had to jump start it from my other car.
I pulled the 30A headlight fuse and manually wound down the headlight. I then put the battery on the Optimate 6 charger and whilst it charged the battery to about 12.4V, it's diagnostics are saying the battery is not in a good state. I left the charger on longer and the battery got back up to 13.5V but, it still doesn;t think the battery can be saved. It would start though.
Having put the headlight fuse back in, the lights are behaving pefectly.
Went to start Yoko and the battery was dead again. Put her back on charge and it would start, albeit hesitantly.
Yoko wouldn't start again today. Time for a new battery. Picked up a Yuasa HSB063 from Halfords for £95. It's physically bigger than the current one and also 52Ah (the old one was 35Ah). It's a snug fit but it looks like the other one was bodged to fit.